Feriehus - 6 personer - 8355 AJ - Giethoorn

6 personer
Emne nr.: 363-NL-8355-701
  • Soverum 3
  • Badeværelser 3
  • Boligareal 180 m²
  • Husdyr Ikke tilladt
  • Tilbyder miniferie Ja
  • Internet Ja
  • Gode fiskeforhold Ja
  • Udsigt til vand Ja
  • Ikkeryger Ja


Casa de vacaciones en el centro de Giethoorn

I hjertet af Giethoorn finder du dette smukke, renoverede gruppehus med have og opholdsrum. Et unikt sted for en dejlig ferie med venner og/eller familie. Giethoorn kaldes også Nordens Venedig. Det byder på adskillige rekreative muligheder inden for vandreture, cykling og selvfølgelig sejlsport. Giethoorn er aflang og består af 3 kvarterer, der altid er forskudt fra hinanden. I nord er det Noordeinde, derefter Middenbuurt og til sidst følger den sydlige ende. Dorpsgracht er Giethoorns centrale akse og ender i syd i den sydligere bredde. Ud over de komfortable soveværelser og badeværelser tilbyder denne ejendom en masse plads i stueetagen, hvor du kan spise og rekreere. Det åbne køkken er fuldt udstyret med alt hvad du behøver og opholdsrummet er indrettet med billardbord, bordtennis, airhockey, legetøj og diverse brætspil. Terrassen ligger direkte ud til vandet.

Stueetage: (Indgang , entre, åbent køkken(elkedel, komfur, kaffemaskine, ovn, mikrobølgeovn, opvaskemaskine , køle-fryseskab), stue / spisestue(Fjernsyn, spisebord, sofahjørne), Soveværelse med badeværelse(dobbeltseng eller 2 enkeltsenge Senge, bruser, håndvask, toilet), Soveværelse med badeværelse(dobbeltseng eller 2 enkeltsenge Senge, bruser, håndvask, toilet), Soveværelse med badeværelse(dobbeltseng eller 2 enkeltsenge Senge, bruser, håndvask, toilet), opholdsrum(legeredskaber, bordfodbold, airhockey, biljard, hyggespil)) babybadekar, rejseseng, balkon eller terrasse, have, havemøbler, grill, parkering, barnestol

Tips fra ejer:
House rules Hoeve Ginette * The main booker receives the key on arrival, the main booker is also our first point of contact and main person responsible. * The owner will walk through the farm with you as the main booker and show you everything on arrival, if you see broken items, you must report this immediately so that you are not held liable for this. *The key may never be handed over to third parties, only to the owner, in case of loss, costs will be charged. *Due to local residents, it is not allowed to hold beer parties, shout loudly or hold other noisy parties. *Drug use, Shisha's, Bongs and the like are prohibited on our property and in the holiday farm. *At 22:00 it is quiet on the terrace and you are requested to go inside, even while smoking outside there is soft talking. *On Sundays it is quiet on the terrace at 20:00 and you are requested to have your stay inside the farm. *There is no smoking in the entire accommodation, smoking is allowed outside at all times, but keep your voice soft. *If we notice that the above rules are not observed, this may result in removal. *Your own amplifiers, sound systems, boomboxes and the like are not allowed outside or inside due to noise pollution. * You are obliged to use the bed linen, this prevents unnecessary stains and the like on the beds, duvets and pillows ... so hygienic! *Sanitary pads, tampons, moist toilet paper, diapers and contraceptives are not flushed down the toilet. *Clogging as a result of this will be charged. *In the farm there is a stereo that can be used at normal volume so that outside the farm it stays within the allowed noise limits. *Tourists passing by/walking/cycling are not yelled at or harassed here. *Use of the terrace and the nest swing are at your own risk, we assume that you know that a tree does not yield and hits hard if used unwisely. *It is prohibited to place chairs directly along the waterfront, the terrace is arranged in such a way that there is a sufficient view of the waterfront. *In addition, chairs can therefore fall into the ditch or be removed by passing tourists. *You are requested to leave the furniture in the farmhouse where you found it on arrival and not to move anything. *When the picnic tables are put together as a whole to eat or sit together, you must ensure that they are placed back as they were before your group leaves. *Parking (this also applies to trailers brought along) is done next to the farm and not behind the holiday farm or between the holiday farm and the house or on the grass. *It is forbidden to climb out of windows (skylights) / hang in trees / shrubs or climb on roofs. The garden and plants are respected as well as the wildlife that lives here. Sanitary needs are not done outside but inside the toilets. *No waste or other things (glasses, brought food/beer bottles/caps) and the like are thrown into the water. *The site is not your garbage can, there is a container for this and there are trash cans and a wall ashtray available. *The canal/ditch is in principle not bathing water, if you do so, it is at your own risk. Nude swimming is not tolerated! *As soon as something breaks, please report this during your stay. If we notice intentional destruction, vandalism, violence or other dangerous situations, this can lead to immediate removal for the entire group. *No drawing on walls, no jumping on beds. *Keep windows and doors closed as much as possible, this limits noise pollution and prevents mosquito bites / insect bites. * If you are leaving, close windows and doors and turn off the lights. *Turn down the heating in the autumn/winter period when you are not present. *Do not throw glass into the container, but put it in the appropriate container. *Please put paper and cardboard in the appropriate box/crate/not in the trash can or container. *Your booking is only for the number of people indicated on the booking form. Inviting or receiving additional people is not allowed, this will void your insurance and may also lead to removal. * It is forbidden to make (camp) fire on the terrain and the barbeque is only for barbeque. *Instructions from the owner or his representatives must be followed at all times! *The owner and management are/live on the same property, there is camera surveillance for your and our safety. We trust that you will comply with our house rules so that it will be a pleasant stay for you, us and the local residents. Thank you very much, Hoeve Ginette.

Boligens indretning kan afvige fra billederne. Boligens komfort niveau dog som beskrevet. Ungdomsgrupper under 26 år er ikke tilladt Ferieboligen er beliggende på den samme ejendom som husets ejer bor på Det er strengt forbudt at afholde studenterfest, polterabend eller fest med stort alkohol indtag i denne feriebolig This holiday home is available for recreational purposes only. Bookings on behalf of companies will be cancelled and possible cancellation costs will be charged


Vi har desværre ikke modtaget nogen brugervurderinger af dette emne.


  • Afstand

    • Banegård
      10 km
    • Byliv
      20 km
    • Centrum
      1 km
    • Diverse
      9 km
    • Fiskevand
      3 km
    • Golfbane
      13 km
    • Hospital
      21 km
    • Mad
      1 km
    • Offentlig svømmehal
      8 km
    • Offentlig sw-pool
      7 km
    • Restauranter
      50 m
    • Vandsport
      50 m
  • Beliggenhed

    • I et boligområde eller i centrum (landsby)
    • På landet
    • Udsigt over søen
  • Byggestatus

    • Fritliggende
  • Ferietemaer

    • Romantisk
    • Sight-seeing
    • Væk fra det hele
  • Fritids aktiviteter

    • Cykling
    • Fiskeri
    • Gåture
    • Mountainbike
    • Sejlads
    • Vandreture
    • Vandsport
    • Windsurfing
  • Generel Information

    • Boligareal
      180 m²
    • Ikkeryger
    • WiFi
  • Hvilken af følgende beskriver bedst...

    • Landdistrikterne
    • Village
    • Waterfront
  • Type

    • Bondehus


Der er begrænset mulighed for miniferie hele året, typisk uden for højsæsonen.

Priser og kalender


  • marts 2025
  • april 2025
   Se om emnet er ledigt på den valgte dato
   Ankomst mulig
Ugyldig periode valgt


1 uge
Ingen personer er valgt


Emnet er ikke ledigt i hele den valgte periode.
Der er ikke valgt personer.


90% af lejepris
1 dag før ankomst
100% af lejepris